Fuel efficiency blog
Posts about
Fuel efficiency (3)
Reducing dispatcher extra fuel without compromising safety
To run safe operations, dispatch must ensure that an aircraft carries enough fuel in case of any...
3 minute read
Fly efficiently with better potable water management.
Potable water is water that is safe to be used as drinking water. In an aircraft, potable water is...
3 minute read
How to monitor aircraft performance degradation accurately?
As an aircraft ages, its performance degrades. To put it simply: the older it gets, the more fuel...
2 minute read
EASA Fuel Policy: why airlines need a fuel monitoring system?
As of the 30th of October 2022, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has changed the...
4 minute read
How to optimize your engine wash schedule using data?
Have you ever wondered how aircraft engines are washed and why it is important to do so? If yes,...
4 minute read
Fly Net-Zero 2050: how airlines use data to improve fuel efficiency?
Updated on Nov, 2024 Cutting costs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving the planet...
4 minute read
The latest trends from the Electronic Flight Bag Users Forum 2022
At last, after months of canceled events and virtual conferences, things are finally looking up for...
2 minute read
Aircraft Engine Wash 101: Why, what, how, when, and how often?
Have you ever wondered how aircraft engines are washed and why it is important to do so? If yes,...
2 minute read
Airlines’ digital shift drives profit and lowers CO2 emissions
With the air transport crisis, optimizing fuel efficiency and reducing carbon emissions are more...
3 minute read