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OpenAirlines launches SkyBreathe® APM to optimize aircraft performance

OpenAirlines today introduces SkyBreathe Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM), a new solution to help airlines continuously measure the performance of each aircraft in their fleet. The solution comes fully integrated with SkyBreathe® 360° eco-flying platform the leading solution in the marketplace that covers all fuel best practices in all areas of an airline for increased fuel savings and CO2 reduction.

OpenAirlines today introduces SkyBreathe Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM), a new solution to help airlines continuously measure the performance of each aircraft in their fleet. The solution comes fully integrated with SkyBreathe® 360° eco-flying platform the leading solution in the marketplace that covers all fuel best practices in all areas of an airline for increased fuel savings and CO2 reduction.

Fuel burn contributes up to 30% of direct operating costs. Monitoring each aircraft’s degradation leads to better flight plans and optimized flight guidance, with immediate safety and fuel efficiency benefits.
Today monitoring aircraft performance is a cumbersome process. It is time-consuming and based on error-prone manual efforts to gather and manipulate data and run calculations. The process is even more tedious when airlines operate a mixed fleet. Therefore, fuel factor updates are infrequent leading to safety issues, and fuel overburn.

By continuously and automatically integrating FDR data, SkyBreathe APM computes an always up-to-date aircraft performance degradation daily and with zero workload.
With existing APM tools, it is complicated to spot aircraft performance issues and identify their root causes. Aircraft performance degradation is fixed too late during scheduled maintenance actions instead of being dealt with on the spot.

The AI-powered solution notifies operators of abnormal performance degradation and quickly identifies the root cause. Airlines can solve issues faster, reducing fuel burn and maintenance costs.
The digital solution automatically computes the impact of performance degradation and corrective actions on fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and the airline’s bottom line.

“APM was a natural SkyBreathe® 360° extension. We wanted to reinvent the APM process, making it more agile, accurate, and meaningful with no effort, and we are glad that it quickly delivered on its promises. It’s so easy that you literally need to do nothing. SkyBreathe APM’s approach to detecting deterioration trends is completely automated and enriched with AI-powered insights.” says Alexandre Feray, CEO at OpenAirlines.


Ready to give it a whirl?

Experience SkyBreathe® APM  and get a clear idea of all the possibilities it has to offer to your airline! 


Learn more about SkyBreathe® APM 


[CASE STUDY] See how Norwegian leverages data analytics to improve its APM process.

>> Download the free case study 



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