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A decade of CO2 savings with SkyBreathe®

Today, we celebrate SkyBreathe® 10-year anniversary and a decade full of remarkable fuel efficiency progress. Our best-in-class fuel efficiency solution launched in 2013 after 7 years of R&D. Can you believe it? A whole decade dedicated to tackling carbon emissions and redefining the way we fly. But here's the thing: we don't dwell on the past; we look to the future. And we’re even more excited about the decade ahead as we believe in the power of collective action and innovation to shape a sustainable future for aviation.

Discover the story so far… and catch a glimpse of what lies ahead in our anniversary video!


Dream Big, Aim High

In 2006, Alexandre Feray kickstarted a remarkable journey with a dream: to fast-track the transition to sustainable aviation. He founded OpenAirlines, a clean-tech company aiming to reduce aviation’s carbon emissions by helping airlines optimize their operations.

His passion and determination quickly attracted an exceptional team of people who shared his vision. OpenAirlines was awarded the lead of three Clean Sky projects, including the CARING project (Contribution of Airlines for Reducing Industry Nuisances and Gases). We worked jointly with academics, SMEs, airline associations, airlines, and professional pilots to develop advanced research and technology for in-flight optimization. As part of the project, OpenAirlines analyzed more than 10,000 flights from the four airlines participating in the project, covering most Airbus models, ATR, and Boeing fleets. 


Over the course of 7 years of tireless research and development and capitalizing on these findings, the SkyBreathe® fuel efficiency software for airlines took flight. Transavia was the first pioneer to join the adventure in 2013 by adopting the eco-flying solution to reduce their flights' fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

A close-knitted SkyBreathe® community

Many more airlines worldwide that shared the same vision soon joined our initial supporters. Over the past 10 years, SkyBreathe® has grown into a vibrant community of 64 airlines and thousands of committed individuals working together to shape the future of sustainable aviation. 

Collage of Skybreathe Community members

Our journey is a testament to the remarkable things we can achieve when we join forces. Thanks to the united efforts of the SkyBreathe® community, we have successfully prevented 4,042,000 tons of CO2 from going into the atmosphere over the last 10 years.

Ready to do BIG savings? >> Join the SkyBreathe® Community!

The Road Ahead

Over the past 17 years, our team has been at the forefront of new technology, leveraging AI to empower airlines in optimizing fuel consumption through data-driven insights. While anniversaries are certainly a time to reflect on past achievements, at OpenAirlines, we have always had our sights firmly set on the future. In the next decade, we will explore new avenues for fuel efficiency and develop innovative solutions and technologies to further reduce aviation’s carbon footprint.

Looking ahead, the roadmap includes:

  • Develop superior machine learning algorithms. Enabling autonomous learning capabilities that allow the system to adapt and improve on its own to identify all the causes of overconsumption in a flight, and make trend predictions.
  • Placing user-friendly, digital solutions directly into the hands of pilots worldwide. Empowering them with simple tools that give them real-time insights is crucial to step toward reducing CO2 emissions.
  • Collaborating with Air Traffic Control (ATC) to modernize the airspace and drive fuel efficiency through route optimization.
  • Extending energy conservation beyond traditional fuel sources to include electricity, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), as well as hydrogen-powered aircraft.
As we look forward to the next 10 years, we acknowledge much work to be done. Our journey is far from complete, and there are challenges to overcome. But in this moment of reflection and celebration, we're reminded of the power of dreams and collective action.

Join us in making the change!

The next decade is waiting to be shaped. Together, we can create a future for aviation we can all be proud of while preserving our planet. You are thousands working your hearts out to deliver on this promise, and we want to hear YOUR thoughts on the future of aviation.

So tell us, what's your wish for the future of aviation? Let your imagination take flight and enter our 10-year anniversary contest with your wish!make a wishskybreathe-10-years-contest-concorde-email

By sharing your wish, you will be in for a chance to win the iconic Concorde!* While it wasn't a commercial or environmental success, the supersonic passenger plane stands as a testament to our ability to innovate, rise up to incredible challenges, and achieve the extraordinary together.

*(Just to clarify, we’re talking the amazing LEGO® replica, not the actual aircraft!). 



Discover the most effective ways to reduce aviation’s CO2 emissions in the ebook "Decarbonizing Aviation Mission Possible" >> Download for free.

Decarbonzing aviation ebook mockup


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